
They met at the age of barely three years old, during preschool. Agnee and Ivanka forged an extraordinary bond and became inseparable. These two immediately became best friends. After noticing Ivanka during the lunch break, Agnee, who was barely three years old, realized he wanted to be friends with her because she got the best ladoo for lunch. Agnee used to tell me and everyone about Ivanka, "she shares only a small piece of ladoo with me, but if she gets Papaya, the entire lunch box is given to me." He puked the entire fruit, unaware of its taste, and not even in his dreams would he ever want to taste it again. From breaking crayons to sipping juice boxes, there were many stories that Agnee would share, so cute that our entire family fell in love with Ivanka.

One day, I decided to visit the school along with Agnee. The teacher was so fond of Agnee that it made me proud. Before I was about to leave, I took a quick turn and asked the teacher, “I would like to meet Ivanka, Agnee’s best friend?” The teacher had a puzzled expression on her face and asked, “Ivanka? Who is she?” I said, “Agnee talks about Ivanka, so I thought of seeing the little one.” The teacher said, “I think you have confused the name with some other name; there is no child named Ivanka.” Again, a quick turn and I did not look back, ran as fast as I can. Tonight, when I asked Agnee, “Where does Ivanka stay?” Agnee said, “In the school itself.” Blimey! The friendship was unusual but scarily very cute – they are just children after all! Glup 😐👀😄 Blimey! Ting! Tong!


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